Aga Reef Resort i Lalomanu

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South East Coast Road, Lalomanu, Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +685 47800
Latitude: -14.0428028, Longitude: -171.4760912
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Kommentar 5

  • Kevin van der Poel

    Kevin van der Poel


    A wonderful place to relax. Staff so friendly and helpful. Would definitely come again

  • Gene Turanga

    Gene Turanga


    Stayed here for 5 days. And it was an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING place to stay! Everything about the place is amazing. Staff are super friendly and are almost family by the time you leave, the rooms are very nice and spacious, the resort grounds are immaculately kept. .beautiful gardens and a beautiful coral reef with many tropical fish. Will definately visit again!

  • Gary Oneill

    Gary Oneill


    Nice lunch. Great staff

  • Abbey Cosnett

    Abbey Cosnett


    We stayed here for 5 nights in April 18 for my birthday and absolutely loved it. It was evidently off season so we were one of a few people there, but despite that the vibe of the place was amazing and the staff were incredibly attentive and lovely people. The resort itself was beautiful with amazing views. Food was 10/10 not a single bad thing to say about it. Loved it would recommend (and have done) to anyone- will be back one day ! Faafetai !

  • Hannah Thompson

    Hannah Thompson


    Just got back from our honey moon in Samoa, it was also my first time back since 2011 also my first time going without my parents so I was really nervous. We spent two nights at Le Uaina hotel and my husband then asked if we could check out Aga Reef cause he used to work there. We walked in there with no intentions of booking a room😂 but I just could not resist! The staff are sooo friendly and very welcoming. The view was just AMAZING!!! Our first night there and we couldn’t work the tv so the owner (im pretty sure he was? The Fijian man) came and tried to work it, had no luck so he told us to pack our things just incase they can’t work it they will move us to another room. Next day came and we came back to find out we have been moved to the VIP room ! It was AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for having my husband and I. We will definitely visit again real soon ❤️ Have recommended yous to friends and family.

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