Blue Pacific Car Hire i Vaitele

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Elisefou, Vaitele, Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +27 82 719 85
Latitude: -13.8223569, Longitude: -171.8016555
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Kommentar 5

  • Marcel Schmid

    Marcel Schmid


    now called pazefika rentals or so. ++ super quick and uncomplicated booking last minute - would have given me an upgrade for free ++ Honest and good Business Man!! ++ cheaper then competitors ++ pick up at the airport on time +- Flexible in returning earlier but ask only the boss if/how much you get back when the new rental period is in a less discounted price range! +- i wasnt asked about a temporary driving license which can lead in a high penalty after 24h of rental - so ask them to go to the place where you get a temporary license for 1 Month, cost 21 Talas

  • נעה הדר

    נעה הדר


    Trustworthy and professional. Had an amazing time with their car and customer service was great as well :)

  • Kika Nonu

    Kika Nonu


    Best rental company in samoa, very professional and late model cars

  • Clara vomEndt

    Clara vomEndt


    First of all I want to say that we were really happy with this company and would rent the car there straight away again! Since there are so many rental companies in Apia we were really not sure which one to choose.. in the end we went with blue pacific because of their good comments. We must say we were really happy with everything. The car drove perfectly fine (it was almost new) and the service from the company was great! They dropped the car off at our place in Apia for free!

  • Paul Harvey

    Paul Harvey


    They made our rental for 10 days very easy and was a very good price. Had no issues with the car provided. Excellent!

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