Home Cafe & Bar i Apia

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Cross Island Road, Apia, Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +685 76 51023
Latitude: -13.840385, Longitude: -171.758669
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Kommentar 5

  • sohail chaudhry

    sohail chaudhry


    Good coffee with good food . One of the best place for coffee in Samoa with great atmosphere

  • - -IER. Xxx

    - -IER. Xxx


    Best club in the southpacific so far. Great atmosphere good beer from Taula For visitor from overseas you should bring a sticker from you home soccer club. Look my sticker on the TV. Eisern Union

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    Coffee and smoothie were on point. Food was also very good. They have recently renovated the outside deck by the river, gorgeous place to enjoy a meal or drink. This place turns into a bar at night. Great place to hang out. There is a ping pong table, as well as a pool table.

  • kirkmeisterfeaux



    this is home. a perfect place for chilling on a hot day and drinking cold beers with friends in the evening. don't miss the movie nights on mondays and the bring your own bbq evenings on wednesdays! also the owner, Horace, is a goddamn legend.

  • Anish Chandra

    Anish Chandra


    Home cafe has a unique natural and rustic feel. The entire area is filled with reclaimed furniture and decors which somehow gives it a homely touch...you will find yourself discovering the small details all over the cafe. Food is great and the staff are very welcoming. Being a vegetarian you would need to be careful when ordering as the vegan and vegetarian dietary requirements are still quite new to Samoa. However, the staff are ever so helpfully and you could place a special order. A must visit if your in Apia.

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