Robert Louis Stevenson Museum i Apia

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Apia, Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +685 20798
Latitude: -13.8666153, Longitude: -171.765578
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Kommentar 5

  • Marcel



    Beautiful museum of the famous writer, that lifed a long time on Samoa and died here.

  • Stroma Wilcox

    Stroma Wilcox


    Beautiful place. Well worth s visit. Great history and superb guides

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    What a great museum. Sooo many little artifacts from R.L. Stevenson and his family from his stay here in Samoa. The building looks like it was thoughtfully restored to preserve the rooms as each member of the family resided in it. A guide takes you through each part of the house and tells you about the memorabilia and their meanings.

  • Ian Sutton

    Ian Sutton


    Had a very interesting tour around the museum with an excellent guide. Learned heaps of history about RLS and the area/culture too. Really beautiful surroundings and house. Also a great walk up to RLS grave at the top of the hill, though it was a bit muddy and very slippery in places, but worth the walk up.

  • Pravin Charles Vaz

    Pravin Charles Vaz


    Good collection of his books and knick knacks. Tours provided and entry is reasonable. Small gift shop has some local items . Lovely gardens in the front.

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