Samoan Outrigger Hotel i Apia

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Cross Island Road, Apia, WS Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +685 20042
Latitude: -13.8445195, Longitude: -171.7598148
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Kommentar 5

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    I've stayed here several times over the years. Decent hotel at reasonable rates. Breakfast usually comes with the room. Nice garden setting, plus a pool for a dip to cool off from the hot, tropical weather. Friendly and helpful staff.

  • Lisa Ludwig

    Lisa Ludwig


    Very nice hotel with Charm! We stayed in a room and it was very comfy. The outside area with the pool is a relaxed Oase and invites to hang out. The staff is friendly, flexible and helpful. They prepared a very early take away breakfast because our flight left so early! Thanks, Outrigger, hope to be one day back at your lovely place.

  • Stefan Hansson

    Stefan Hansson


    Very good accomodation! Cheap. Really nice staff. Near taxi and a good shop. Wonderful pool!

  • Karl Tagoai

    Karl Tagoai


    Stayed there some year's ago but still remember how great the staff were back then helpful went out of their way always going beyond

  • Francis Tofilau

    Francis Tofilau


    Very friendly and helpful staff. Nice pool. Good location.

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