The Samoan Outrigger Hotel i Apia

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Apia, Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +685 20042
Latitude: -13.8445195, Longitude: -171.7598148
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Kommentar 5

  • Robert Sz

    Robert Sz


    I stayed at this hotel last year for almost 2 weeks. The rooms are kept simple and clean, the garden is beautiful and the breakfast is delicious (coffee, fresh fruits, toast, eggs and great pancakes). The staff and the managers are very lovely people, they are always there to answer your questions and are very friendly. The reception is opened 24/7 you can always buy a cold drink or a code for the Wifi. You can also rent a car here. There is a shop on the other side of the street and there are some great restaurants not so far away. I loved everything about this place! I hope I can visit Samoa again some day and when I do i stay at the Outrigger hotel again. Warm Regards from Germany! Robert

  • Jerry Leaupepe

    Jerry Leaupepe


    Would highly recommend. Facilities were great and the staff were just absolutely outstanding. All were friendly and always had a smile. Pancakes in the morning, now they were something to look forward to in the mornings. Very central to Apia and handy to medical centres, shops and great restaurants. Thank you for the wonderful stay.

  • Stephane Aubry

    Stephane Aubry


    A great and affordable hotel in Apia. Rooms and bungalows are available. One of the more famous places to stay while visiting Samoa. Centrally located and safe. Stayed there several times and never encountered any issues. Met many people and still remember all these medical students doing their internship in Samoa while staying at Outrigger. Next time I'm in Apia, will surely book again at Outrigger.

  • Andrea Butter

    Andrea Butter


    Loved my 5 days/nights at the Outrigger! I stayed in one of the 4 Fale rather than a room in the building. It was the perfect Samoa experience. The staff could not possibly be nicer and more helpful. The breakfast is included, and all the guests while I was there interacted with each other, and gave each other travel tips. There's no question that I would stay there again if I get to return to Samoa.

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    I've stayed here several times over the years. Decent hotel at reasonable rates. Breakfast usually comes with the room. Nice garden setting, plus a pool for a dip to cool off from the hot, tropical weather. Friendly and helpful staff. Breakfast offerings and service have improved over the years. Night watchman is on hand after hours, plus front desk is open 24hours.

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