Museum of Samoa i Apia

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Malifa, Apia, Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +685 26036
Latitude: -13.8396624, Longitude: -171.7628503
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Kommentar 5

  • Ines Kampschulte

    Ines Kampschulte


    I came to learn about the history of Samoa since I know very little to nothing. The museum provides a decent insight in the last 130 years. Would have liked to learn more about the time before colonialism. The visit was well worth it, very informative. Hope the museum will keep up the good work and expand its coverage on the history of this beautiful country and its lovely people.

  • Kelsen Loh

    Kelsen Loh


    Came on Friday 3pm and the Museum is closed, the museum office is empty with the air air conditioning running. Give me back my time walking under the sun for 45mins!

  • Clare Jeffrey

    Clare Jeffrey


    Small but informative. Would be good to have a book for purchase to remember the visit.

  • Sadia Ahmed

    Sadia Ahmed


    Small museum, not much there. The lower levels has items from Samoan life and culture while the upper level focuses mainly on the period when Samoa was an NZ colony and how independence was gained. A quick glimpse into Samoa's past.

  • paula wilks

    paula wilks


    visited it in August 2016. not much to look at from the outside but great inside. several air conditioned rooms with good informative displays, well written and presented. we really enjoyed our time there and the understanding of Samoa we received.

Nærmeste Museum:

Robert Louis Stevenson Museum

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