The Coffee Bean Cafe i Apia

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Falealili Street, Apia, WS Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +685 27466
Latitude: -13.834575, Longitude: -171.7618656
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Kommentar 5

  • Jon Vao

    Jon Vao


    Great coffee place to visit in Samoa best coffee and sausage roll mmmm

  • Tito Junior Jerome Kamu

    Tito Junior Jerome Kamu


    Coffee Bean has very awesome coffee's. My personal favorite is their flat whites. But, they have a variety of coffees available as well, from cappuccino, fraps, mocachino and many more. The place also serves delicious cup cakes, muffins, sandwiches and tasty treats to go along with your cuppa. It is a very cozy place that would be highly recommended for book worms to fade away to into their stories while enjoying their coffee. Also, they have a very friendly bunch working there, makes you feel at home while you await the barrista's final product to be served. There is also an outdoor space if you feel like soaking in some sun (although I would recommend you stay inside the nice and cool air con lol). Hope this review helps anyone deciding to visit coffee bean or not. The coffee will be worth your $10 lol Cheers. Tofa soifua

  • A.T.J Leota

    A.T.J Leota


    We ate a lovely lunch here.I ordered the beef tacos which were perfectly cooked at presented tapas style.We also tried the banana and tropical smoothies .They were also very tasty and freshly prepared.I would definitely recommend this was easily the best food we had in Samoa.

  • andrew pedrana

    andrew pedrana


    Great coffee, friendly staff. I had the French toast, and it was really something

  • Corinne Pitsch-Obrecht

    Corinne Pitsch-Obrecht


    Very nice café... and close to Aggie Grey's! They have a high quality coffee machine that can easily take it up with any Italian coffee machine, good food and good atmosphere. Friendly staff and just delicious SMOOTHIES :)

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