Pacific Jewell Gift Shop & Garden Cafe i Apia

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Levili Boulevard, Apia, WS Samoa
Kontakter telefon: +685 32888
Latitude: -13.8354235, Longitude: -171.7530012
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Kommentar 5

  • Leaso Solomona

    Leaso Solomona


    always drawn to this place due to its vibrant colors in fabrics and various gifts displayed. The garden cafe is amazing and i love the outdoor set up..

  • Adeboye Leke

    Adeboye Leke


    They made me a shirt in 3 hours. Very nice and high quality items but for the upper earners, very lovely owner and there is always something nice to get here

  • Matthew Alai

    Matthew Alai


    A must visit in Samoa for anybody wanting to experience good quality food and service. The Garden Cafe setting is bliss and provides a resort like feel. The Gift Shop is well stocked including authentic Samoan handicrafts and all sorts of gifts for your loved ones.

  • Nameeta Bhole

    Nameeta Bhole


    The yummiest food, fresh and good sized portions! Order the seared tuna salad, it was delicious!

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    Quiet and spacious garden café setting. Decent coffee and smoothies. Big selection of gifts, souvenirs and clothing.

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